An exciting new partner has joined the Gemba society and is already embracing the benefits of having real-time insight into their operations.
Supporting continuous improvement
We’ve just completed the first phase of our new partner’s continuous improvement journey, using data to drive improvement decisions with Gemba software and workshops.
Following go-live, they have achieved and maintained great strides forward with their repeatable process improvements and throughput capabilities.
Now armed with insight from the Gemba Connect software, the team have improved their operational processes by identifying lost opportunities from the increasingly demanding production needs and complex product portfolio.
Mick’s dedication to deliver on Gemba’s promise gets off to a flying start
Mick McDermott, Gemba’s latest CI Specialist who joined Gemba in October 2020, was quickly able to apply his many years of industry knowledge to help our new partner.
With experience in many sectors including aerospace, packaging and logistics, Mick empowered our new partner with their production challenges, helping guide and motivate their cross functional team to deliver tangible value and generate benefits.
Equipment changeovers were an area highlighted by the team’s data analysis indicating potential “changeover creep”, a common capacity loss in complex production environments and often unquantified as a hidden loss.
But now with Gemba Connect installed, the team has access to insight to quickly identify these losses and allow them to quantify the size of the opportunity when improved.
Mick did a fantastic job facilitating the four-day workshop, helping to steer the team through the SMED process to understand the area workflows and workplace organisation methods needed to sustain the improvements.
Having a multi-disciplined team engaged during the activity created a strong learning and collaborative environment, setting a blueprint for sustaining future team-driven improvements.
Now to our favourite part…the results
You could say we have a tendency to “go on a bit” about how so many organisations are benefitting from working with the Gemba Connect system and our CI specialists. But that is what we love; data and results. So instead of repeating ourselves, here’s the feedback from our new partner:
“I wanted to drop you a quick line commending Mick for his efforts, dedication and patience this week.
“Myself and the team are extremely pleased with the training given and materials shared with us to support our ongoing CI journey. Whilst consistency is key for future success, we are encouraged by the progress made so far towards reducing changeover times and we’ve had a great deal of buy in from all involved. The discussions I’ve had with the line leaders have reaffirmed my belief that we have picked a key partner in Gemba. Look forward to sharing further progress updates.”
Hats off to Mick – he definitely delivered on Gemba’s promise to drive production efficiency and real improvement with our new partner.
Why not find out more about the Gemba team or have a browse of our range of software products to see how Gemba could help you.